Introducing Pinnacle Studio 24
So the big news on a software front this week has been the release of Pinnacle Studio 24 and at first glance it is all looking pretty impressive.
The first thing I have to say about it is that Pinnacle is really moving towards a fully fledged “pro” video editor these days.
Don’t get me wrong, it still retains its familiar user interface but a quick run through of the features that this thing is packing these days does begin to put it in the “pro” class.
As per usual Corel have provided me a copy of the software to evaluate which I will be doing over the next week or so.
Hopefully I will have the updated review posted by next Thursday or Friday.
In the meantime here is a quick overview of what they have added or improved in Pinnacle Studio 24.
Title Editor: This has been enhanced so that you can modify the parameters of any title with keyframe-based controls with regards to adding motion and special effects to the text itself.
Video Masking: This is a further enhancement to an already powerful feature offering even more control and flexibility to how to work with masks and what they can do.
Video Editing Improvements: This one is a “not so sexy” refinement that is aimed at reducing the pain of video editing in general!
They have added refinements to the keyframing controls and have provided more direct access to effects presets as well as improved saving of sub-projects and nested clips to use in future projects.
You can now also add notes to any project so that if you are coming back to something after a break you can leave reminders to yourself or colleagues as to what was intended or being done.
Keyframe Controls: Copy and paste groups of keyframes across the timeline to repeat customized transitions, edits, and effects in a few clicks.
Animated Overlays: Updated graphics, backgrounds, and animated overlays to enhance introductions, title sequences, and more.
5.1 Surround Audio: It’s Back! Woohoo! Export files, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs with 5.1 surround audio.
Different Types of Timelapse Shots
This is a run through of all the various (or at least most of them!) types of time lapse videos you can make.
I thought you may find it interesting because it is easy to think that you have seen some time lapse work and don’t really think it’s for you.
However there are many, many way to use it and it can take many different forms so take a look and maybe get inspired!
Shaping with Light – Cinematography Techniques
OK so first up you can ignore all the advanced equipment and technical jargon in this one if you want.
The main reason I have added this one is because it gives great examples of how light under various circumstances can dramatically change how a person appears on screen.
How to Create the Bright YouTube Look – 7 Easy Steps
This is another excellent video demo of how to set up a room or yourself so as to look your best on YouTube or similar.
It is step by step and really doesn’t require too much in the way of extra lights or equipment.
We Recreated the YOU CAN’T STOP US Nike Advert
Last week I posted the Nike You Can’t Stop Us video because it is totally cool and for not much other than that!
However I knew it was only going to be a matter of time before someone came up with a “How to” video on it so here we are!
As I said last week the editing part of the process was quite simple and you can see that in this video.
I also mentioned that they must have gone through a lot of footage to finally end up with the finished product.
What I didn’t realize was just how much!
So apparently the producers watched their way through 4000 hours of footage to get down to the 1 minute and 30 seconds final commercial.
How TikTok Hurts Creators
This is a well thought out discussion on the subject of TikTok and the way it may be overly influencing young new video creators.
There are certain parameters discussed in the video that call into question just how popular any given creator’s work really is.
The key to becoming better at any activity in life is by learning, practicing and steadily improving. In the case of TikTok this vital function may be getting obscured by the view counts leading creators to believe they are doing great work, when in fact the opposite may be true.
Fast Forward Effect – Filmora9
This is an excellent tutorial on creating that VCR Fast Forward effect that is reminiscent of fast forwarding an old tape player.
It is all done in Filmora9 using a combination of effects to pull it all off.
How to Add Censor Effects – FilmoraPro
Not so much a tutorial on censoring video but more of a run through on adding shapes and sound effects to block out unwanted things all done in Filmora Pro.
Text Shake Effect with Filmora9
This is a great little workaround to add effects to titles in Filmora9.
Another excellent example of ignoring the fact that the software supposedly can’t do something and working out how to do it!
How to Add Over 2500 Photos to a Time Lapse – CyberLink PowerDirector 18
This is a work-around video specifically for PowerDirector however there is a possibility it just may work in other programs as well.
As it stands the PowerDirector library system can accept and display 2,500 individual assets in total no matter where those assets are on the computer.
This includes images, clips and audio.
In itself this really is not too much of a problem because it would be a pretty rare event where you would be trying to add any more assets to the library beyond that 2,500 limit!
In fact one of the only times where this may occur would be if you were trying to create a long time lapse sequence.
In that case you may hit the limit so in the video below you can see a simple work around to the problem.
PowerDirector – Change a Motion Graphic Ending Effect
PowerDirector by default comes with a wide range of pre-loaded motion graphic titles you can use in your projects.
Most of these are OK as is but what is not quite as widely known is that you can adjust them to suit what you want.
Just how much can adjust each one depends on the specific effect being used but the key is knowing how to access those settings to find out what you can and cannot do.
Here is an example of how you can access those settings and change them.
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