Master the 5 Primary Lighting Patterns in Under 10 Minutes
On the surface the video tutorial below would appear to be pretty similar to a million other videos on the subject of lighting.
I don’t generally include videos like that on this subject because most of them are referring pretty specifically to the more professional end of the scale.
As such they usually focus on the kind of lighting that you would find in a controlled scenario such as in a studio or by using professional lighting equipment.
I don’t really think those types of videos are particularly useful for the average video person operating at the more amateur end of the scale.
This one is different.
The five primary lighting patterns being referred to here are all shown with particular reference to the “key” light.
The key light being the main or primary source of light in a scene.
For the average person there is always a key light it is just that most of us don’t really recognize it as such!
When we shoot outdoors the sun is the key light… we just don’t generally think of it that way.
So in the video they go through the five basic lighting patterns but in each one they also go into it from the point of view of someone who does not necessarily have a pro lighting set up on hand.
Plan & Storyboard! – Music Video Series 01
A few weeks ago the guys in the Filmora Pro division of Filmora announced that they would be creating a new step by step video series.
The overall concept is that they are going to go through the entire process of creating a fully professional standard music video.
As they go through that process they will be creating “How to” and “Behind the Scenes” video tutorial that anyone can follow along with.
This is weeks the first in that series and of course begin with the whole planning and story boarding steps of that process.
10 Mistakes New Video Editors Make (Video Editing for Beginners)
If you find yourself going around in circles whilst trying to put together a video it is most likely because you haven’t worked out a work flow.
There is no real “one work flow to rule them all” but the rule that does apply is that you should have a workflow in the first place!
I have checked the video below and for a beginner or someone who is pretty much a one man band in any production this is as good a workflow as any to get you started.
Create an Inception Effect With Drone Footage
To begin with I need to explain a few things about the effect shown in the video below and how it was executed.
As far as editing software goes I feel quite certain that most consumer level video editing software will have the features necessary to pull it off.
The only problem you may face is that the component of your software you will need to put into play will probably have different names to the ones shown.
You may have to dig around a bit to work it all out.
The other thing to bear in mind is that the whole “Inception” concept is quite limited to the drone footage being used but there is no reason not to try it with other types of footage to see what you end up with.
And finally if you don’t have a drone or drone footage but still want to have a play then just go to the video on YouTube and in the description section under the video there are links to resources you can download.
Stylish Video Effect – No Plugins Required
As opposed to most video effects that are mainly achieved in post production (editing), this is a demonstration of a pretty cool “practical” effect.
Just so we get our terminology straight here a practical effect is one that is physically achieved at the shooting stage.
Other types of effects are generally achieved at the editing or post production stage and are created digitally.
How to Shoot Powerful Close-Ups – Framing for Emotion
Shooting up close or even super close to someone in a video is not really something you or I may be doing all that often.
However if you know what you are doing you can really create some interesting and powerful moments in your video if you do.
This is a great little tutorial on the subject of shooting up close so that you don’t just get “rabbit caught in the headlights” shots.
PowerDirector – Use an Existing Project as a Template
This video is quite specific to CyberLink PowerDirector so if you are not running that software then it won’t really be of much use to you.
It is simply a run through of the template feature in PowerDirector that allows you to save a project as a complete template.
At a later date if you want to repeat the project but just add different assets you can do so.
A lot of people who post regularly to YouTube use systems like this so they can put out consistent content that always has a particular look or feel to it whilst at the same time saving a lot of time.
Group Segments – Filmora 9.3 Features
One of the problems many people face when it comes to the learning curve of video editing is being bombarded with “NEW FEATURES” that they have absolutely no idea about!
So in light of that there are a couple of video in this week’s post covering some of the new features in the recent Filmora9 update.
In the video below you can see a walk through of the new grouping feature and more importantly why this is such a good addition to the program.
Filmora Beat Detection – Filmora 9.3 Feature
This is another demonstration video of one of the new features recently released in Filmora9 version 9.3.
The feature is called Beat Detection and that pretty much sums up what it does… it detects the beats in music tracks.
So the question is what’s the point and I am glad you asked.
One of the main ways to begin editing your projects when there is music is to at least start of by cutting to the beat.
This results in both the audio and visual aspects of the project being aligned and not being distracting.
Of course that’s only the beginning and of course you don’t just robotically keep cutting to the beat!
However having a software solution to both detecting and marking those beat points is an enormous time saver as you can see in the video below.
PowerDirector 17/18/365 Advanced Picture in Picture Designer Tutorial Part 2
This is the second in a series by Jeff covering in detail the Picture in Picture designer within CyberLink PowerDirector 18.
It is quite a comprehensive module within the software so there are a lot of features to cover.
If you are using PowerDirector and haven’t seen the first part of this series you can check it out at this link.
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