Glitch Transitions & How to Use Them – PowerDirector
One thing I tend to rave on about a bit is the use of preset transitions in video projects.
Most editing programs come with hundreds if not thousands of canned transitions built into the program.
This gives a false impression that all you have to do is slap in a transition and Hollywood magic will ensue.
At least that’s what the marketing guys want you to believe.
The truth is that in most cases at a professional level every transition is hand built and specifically created for that particular cut or scene change.
So whilst preset transitions will save a mountain of time they will not do the job totally by themselves.
There are two factors that apply to the addition of any transition.
The first is that the transition serves the purpose for “transitioning” the viewer naturally and logically to the next scene.
Secondly that the transition does not distract the viewer so that attention remains on the subject and not the transition itself.
In the video below dealing with glitch transitions you can see how and why the transition is chosen, how it is tailored to the situation and why.
5 Simple Transitions That Will Improve Your Videos
Well seeing as how there is another post somewhere around here on the Friday Roundup on transitions… oh that’s right, it’s just under this one!
Just as a side note please pay attention to the reasons why a particular transition is being used and how it is being used.
Yes, the marketing says you just slap on a transition and it will all look great but that’s a long way from the truth.
PowerDirector – Changing Opacity at the Beginning or End of a Video Clip
In the recent update of CyberLink PowerDirector there was a major rework done on the user interface.
One of the casualties of that rework was a little line that ran the length of the timeline that indicated the opacity of the assets on the timeline below.
So instead of individually setting the opacity for clips you could adjust opacity for sections of the project and for some people it was a pretty handy tool.
In reality the reason little tools like this disappear is because user feedback from their tracking indicates that the tool was largely not being used.
Regardless of why it disappeared the ability to control opacity certainly still remains and in the video below you can see two methods for applying opacity settings to a project.
Fix in Post 2 – How to Rescuing Overexposed Footage – Wondershare Filmora
These are some pretty good ideas for either fixing overexposed footage or failing that, hiding the overexposure from view.
Filmora has some pretty good color correction tools available and if you haven’t already done so I would recommend you dive in a take a look.
Very often fixing footage doesn’t really lend itself to some kind of rote procedure.
In fact most of the time it is a matter of just getting in there and fiddling about to see what can be done.
How to Create Cut Text Effect in Filmora
This is a simple way to create a Cut Text effect in Filmora.
It is pretty easy given that you just use some masking to create two halves of the text then from there you can use positioning to change where the two halves lie.
Movavi Video Editor 2023: How to Start Editing from Scratch
One of my choices for a simple, easy to learn yet fully featured video editing program is the Movavi Video Editor.
That being said if you have never really edited before or are unfamiliar with editing software even the simplest interface can look a little daunting.
Check out the video below to see how to get started and access some of the more common tools in Movavi.
They Went Viral But Then Failed. I Told Them Why.
HillierSmith is a professional video editor and content creator specializing in online style videos.
His biggest client is Logan Paul so it’s clear he knows what he is doing even if you are not particularly interested in Logan Paul!
He has been intermittently creating instructional videos over the years but is by no means a regular creator in this genre.
One type of video in this vein he does create is by taking a YouTuber who has enjoyed some success and showing them how to fine tune their editing to create a better experience.
The key to watching his videos like the one below is in understanding his reasoning behind doing the things he does and making the changes he executes.
The techniques are often interesting but it is the theory behind that makes this well worth watching.
How to Start Using Fusion – Your First Day in the Fusion Page of DaVinci Resolve
If you are using DaVinci Resolve just for fairly simple editing tasks or are thinking about starting to use Resolve as your editor then this is the video for you.
Yes Resolve has great editing features especially when it comes to color correction and grading.
However the hidden power of resolve lies in the Fusion Page and if you are not using his page then you are missing out on a ton of features.
The downside is that this page was designed for professional compositors from the movie industry so the interface is probably about as counter-intuitive and complicated as you will see anywhere!
A newbie can open that page and stare at for as long as they want and at no time will anything give you a clue to what you can do and how to get started.
So in light of that Casey Faris has created a free course introducing you to the Fusion Page as well as this video below to help you get started.
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