OK there has been a lot of hooha this week about the new commenting system that YouTube introduced recently.
The general consensus has been one of screaming outcry at the injustice of it all and how Google+ integration spells the end of civilization as we know it.
I don’t mean to sound too old and farty here but really, I have seen this sort of hoopla just about any time any popular platform changes anything!
Generally speaking, after the initial shock wears off everyone seems to go about their business as if nothing happened.
For a little more balanced view of the whole thing take a look at this article.
- 11 Key Features In YouTube’s New Google+ Comments Integration
Tutorial for Video Pro X and GoPro
Following up (finally!) on their original post covering importing video from a GoPro into Magix Video Pro X we have this week a rundown on some of the main functions you may want to use.
Probably the most important of these to both use and get right are the tools available for stabilizing your shots.
A GoPro by nature is generally going to be used in an action setting so getting things calmed down a little visually is a good start.
5 Important Editing Functions
Regardless of which brand of video editing software you own or use it is pretty safe to say you will be confronted with a bewildering array of things you can do.
Obviously you can do more than just trim some bad bits off and stitch it all together but just how many of those advanced function are really necessary?
This is an article on at least 5 things that you should be doing or using at the very least.
More on Lighting
Yeah, yeah, I know none of us are probably going to be hauling around a full lighting rig to the next kids birthday party we have to attend or a fun day at the beach… But!
Having a good understanding of what light is doing in any shot puts you a mile ahead of the pack when it comes to shooting great footage.
Even if it is as simple as knowing not to shoot at a subject when there is a strong backlight or to be aware of not taking shots of people squiting into the sun!
- 3 Cool Ways to Modify Lighting for Video
Choosing a Camcorder
A few years back now there was a great site called Camcorderinfo.com that was absolutely the bees knees as far as keeping up with the latest and greatest in all things camcorder.
They we definitely my “go to” guys whenever I was thinking about getting a new device or upgrading.
The site was huge but laid out in a way that allowed you to quickly burrow down into the camcorders within your range be it through price, format or features.
Sadly, one day the guys that started the site sold it and I can’t blame them because it must have been a nightmare to maintain.
Almost overnight the new owners turned it into a shallow steaming pile of crap that offers every opportunity to buy a camcorder but is absolutely useless in trying to work out which one!
Fortunately the guys at VideoMaker.com annually come out with their Camcorder Buyer’s Guide.
It is nowhere near as simple to navigate as the old CamcorderInfo.com site but in a pinch can help you reduce the field to likely choices.
- Annual Camcorder Buyer’s Guide 2013: Brands, Pricing and Features | Videomaker.com
Even More Lighting
Like I always say, “You can never get too many tutorials on outdoor lighting.” OK, I probably have never actually said that before but it remains true anyway… I think.
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