Welcome to this week’s roundup of all that’s good and wholesome in the world of video editing.
I have noticed that when I wander about the internet finding this stuff, each week seems to have it’s own particular theme.
Last week it was all about YouTube stuff and this week it seems to be all about special effects.
Before we get into that let’s kick off with the continuing story over at Magix on their pro editing software, Video Pro X.
Magix Video Pro X – Exporting Your Project
OK here we are at Week 8 of the Magix series on their pro video editing software Video Pro X.
In this week’s installment they cover the all important aspect of exporting your project to a format that you will need for final distribution.
Camtasia Tutorial
Although this is a tutorial specific to Camtasia Studio I am sure it could be easily adapted to any editing program that also offers a screen capture module.
Take a look and see if you can work out your own solution because it really is a great effect.
- Creating a Moving Magnifying Glass Effect in Camtasia Studio 8.1
The Ongoing Saga of Copyrights
An interesting article here for all of us that use other works in our own or just simply want to know where we really stand when it comes to using copyrighted work.
Just what are our rights and how far can we go?
Follow the Bouncing… Light?
Check this article out not only for, as it says, a cheap alternative for a DIY reflector but also a few tips on exactly why you would need one in the first place.
More on Color Correction
In tune with a few articles I have referred to regarding color correction this is another simple guide to using the tools you have to improve the overall look of your videos.
Although the tutorial refers to the Adobe Premiere software the principles remain the same and just about all video editing software these days has at least some degree of color correction filtering available.
- How to Use Color Correction in Adobe Premiere with the Fast Color Corrector
Special Effects Bonanza!
Some great tips here on how to create some awesome visual effects without the huge Hollywood budge attached!
In part 1 of this tutorial video we look at how to shoot the model, apply a color key inside Adobe After Effects and composite it into a background environment in a way that looks realistic and integrated.
You will require some basic After Effects skills in order to complete this tutorial.
VFX with Scale Models Introduction
VFX with Scale Models Part One
VFX with scale models – Part Two
VFX with scale models – Part Three
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