Magix Video Pro X 12
A few years back now Magix decided to stop the naming protocol of their pro video editor Video Pro X.
The logic behind this was that they were going to go over to a constant update model rather than an annual up date one.
That was around the time of Video Pro X 8.
Since then we have had Pro X 9, 10, 11 and the other day they released Video Pro X 12!
Not too sure where that whole “no version numbers” theory went but it did seem to go out the window pretty fast!
Anyway Video Pro X whatever has been my choice for a professional level video editor for quite some time now and you can see the reasons for that here: Magix Video Pro X Review
In the meantime you can check out their new slick promo video below… done of course using Video Pro X 12!
Video Morph Transitions
This is a morh transition tutorial kind of based on the assumption that only a very small number of video editors can carry it out.
I don’t actually expect everyone to know the abilities or limitations of every product on the market so I’ll add my two cents worth as well.
First up the main reason I have added this one is because it gives some great advice on setting up an effect like this.
Even if you have the required effect in your editing software, setting up the shot is vital if you want to really “sell” the result.
So in the video he mentions three editing programs that have a transition that offers a kind of “morphing” feature you can use.
They are Final Cut, Adobe Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve.
However down here in the consumer level trenches its not all mud and deprivation!
The two Corel products, VideoStudio and Pinnacle Studio have had a morphing transitions module for a couple of years now.
CyberLink PowerDirector has nothing like this but if you want to spend some cash you can get a compatible Boris Effects morphing transition that works in that program.
Filmora does come with a “Morph” transition but as you would expect from an editor that is aimed at the “easy to use” market it is woefully clunky and ineffective for this purpose.
Best Video Editing Software Here
Documentary Tips for Solo Filmmakers – How to Shoot Cinéma Vérité
There are two parts to this entry on the subject of making documentaries so let’s clarify the situation first!
The video below is mainly concerned with the subject of cinematography in documentaries.
There is a particular style and specific requirements to get the job done right so that later steps are made easier.
However the creation of a documentary involves a great many more steps than just shooting the footage right.
So for the rest of those points just follow the link below for the complete rundown.
PowerDirector – Motion Graphic Titles vs. Traditional Titles
Most modern video editing software programs these days tend to offer two ways to apply titles to your projects.
There is the regular titling module as well as the Motion Graphics module.
Both treat titling as slightly different activities but essentially you end up with similar results.
There are however slight difference not just on the way they work but also on the results they achieve.
I have never come across a tutorial that explains these differences particularly well until this week when Sharper Turtle came out with the one shown below.
This run through of both types of titling is done exclusively in CyberLink PowerDirector but the settings and capabilities of most other software are very similar to these.
Two Microphones One Camera Tutorial – Cheap and Easy Solution
This is a quick run through of how to attach two RØDE wireless microphones into one camera. There are a few different wireless microphone solutions around these days and most of them like the RØDE tend to be restricted to one microphone per camera.
As shown is the video there are some pretty cheap solutions around to this problem which can then free you up to using an individual microphone when you have two people talking.
Mike also covers how to “marry” the two channels of audio together in post so that you can get it sounding professional.
Spotlight Tips and Tricks
This is fast “tips” tutorial on using a spotlight creatively to make good looking footage.
The reason I have included it is because it shows how you can use one strong single source of light to manipulate what you are getting in the shot.
If you have a sun where you live and a window… you should be good to go with these tips!
Zach King Quick Change Clothes Trick – Filmora9
Another Zach King effect done in Filmora9 and as per usual the key here is to get the shots right before pulling it all into the editing software.
In this one there are no effects being applied at all so any video editing software can do it.
Just remember, the key to most of these is in the shooting and not so much the editing.
Create a Special Looking Lollipop Using the Blending Tool – PowerDirector
This is a pretty straightforward run through of using the masking tool in PowerDirector to get some video clips to appear as though they are inside lollipops.
It utilizes a couple of tools such as masking, blending and a little color correction as well.
There is no dialogue in the video so you have to watch it fairly closely to follow the steps. the technique itself is by no means restricted to PowerDirector.
Any editor with masking and blend modes should be able to pull this off.
3 TikTok Effects under 5 Minutes
The title of this entry obviously mentions TikTok but that’s mainly because they are of the style that is common on that platform.
In reality a lot of the TikTok style effects are part of various apps that you can use to post videos on that platform and I guess are OK for what they are.
However with a little extra time and understanding they can all be done way better in proper video editing software.
The three you will see in the video below are essentially masking effects that nearly all reasonably good editing software can perform.
How To Add Camera Shake In DaVinci Resolve
This is a run through of using the camera shake module in DaVinci Resolve.
It is a pretty powerful feature offering a very high degree of control and in the case of all effects like this… use sparingly!
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