9 Tips On How To Use A Teleprompter
I have a couple of clients at the moment who are using teleprompters because of the nature of the content they produce.
It is important for them to ensure that when they are covering a subject they stay on topic and include all the information they intended.
Because of that, ad libbing is a little out of the question.
Another advantage is that it takes some of the pressure off the person presenting becuase let’s face it, being in front of the camera can be a little nerve wracking at the best of times.
There are however a few pitfalls with using them and it is important to use them properly otherwise you won’t get the results you imagined. Here are some tips:
How Long Should Your YouTube Video Be?
This is a question that comes up quite regularly and I see it answered in a bunch ways, most of which are kind of dumb!
In fact it is pretty easy to spot a fake YouTube gooroo by checking on their response to this question!
If they recommend that a video of a certain length will assure you of success then you know its garbage.
Short, mid-range and longform videos all have a reason for existing and all have a particular audience they are appealing to.
Check out this video for a more intelligent approach to content length and why it should be a certain way.
Editing Multi-Camera Footage Fast
Something that has become very common these days is that group events like parties or family celebrations or whatever are being videoed by the people present.
What that means is that if you want to put together a video of that event you probably have access to a bunch of footage you didn’t shoot.
Back in the day if you wanted to use all the available footage you would have had to add it all separately to the timeline of a project.
Even if you only have access to three or four added sources, your timeline would already have been looking pretty cluttered.
That was the case until editing software introduced “multicam editing.”
Generally this is a separate module that allows you to load all you footage, sync anything that needs to be synced then work in an interface that resembles a TV “switcher.
A switcher in live TV broadcasts is the ability to switch from feed to feed as the action unfolds.
In the video below you can see this feature in Filmora 14 which also has some smart features built in to make it easier.
AI Text-Based Editing is Here! – PowerDirector
In all honesty PowerDirector is a little late to this party but at least they have decided to join in!
Text based editing is about a year old now and was the original basis for the Descript Service so this has now come to PowerDirector.
Text based editing is pretty simple in its concept.
It really only applies to dialogue rich videos and basically the process involves getting a transcript of the dialogue into text then editing that text.
The program then automatically cuts the video based on the changes to the text.
You can see the whole thing in action in the video below.
Change 16×9 to 9×16 and Stay Focused on Your Subject in PowerDirector
Quite a few editing software packages at the moment have introduced automated reframing options.
The idea is that you want to take 16:9 footage and convert it to 9:16 or some other aspect ratio.
However you also want to maintain focus on a particular thing that may be moving in the from as the footage plays.
For example someone walking.
Sometimes the automated solutions can be a bit glitchy, introduce jerky tracking or some other less than desirable aspect to the whole process.
The only real guaranteed method of doing this is manually using keyframes and it’s not as fiddly as you may think.
In fact keyframing doesn’t take very long to do and always gives you much smoother camera movement with a more natural look.
Here’s the process done using PowerDirector.
Tips on Customizing PowerDirector Motion Graphic Titles
PowerDirector has long been one of the best editing solutions at the consumer level for when it comes to creating and manipulating titles.
Here is a runthrough of some of the feature in the titling module with an emphasis on motion graphics.
Create Smoother Zooms – Ease Keyframes in DaVinci Resolve
There are a gazillion little buttons and dials and symbols and stuff inside the DaVinci Resolve interface.
Now I use resolve quite regularly and have no idea what the majority of it all is!
Anyway here’s a little tip I didn’t know of before so I though I would share.
Enhance & Animate ART in DaVinci Resolve – Fusion Motion GFX Tutorial
Let me explain something very clearly from the outset here.
There is no way on God’s green earth I would ever embark upon an exercise like this!
This is a level of fiddling around that is so far beyond my patience level it is not even funny!
However what it does show is the degree of sophistication that is available within the Fusion Page of DaVinci Resolve and if you want you can go crazy in there.
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