Lighting for YouTube Videos – Make Your Videos Stand Out
A few years back now my wife wanted to start making YouTube videos.
While most of the details in getting that to happen were quite straightforward the one subject that caused the most angst was the lighting.
The reason for that was that no matter how I arranged the lights she was never happy with how she looked.
At one point she wanted to use beauty filters but then didn’t like the sort of “unnatural” look they gave her.
After much experimenting and many tears before bedtime I finally got it right.
The video below is one of the main sources I used to get basic lighting under control.
Descript Adds New AI Action – Find Good Clips

Descript was one of the early adopters of A.I. technology by integrating AI transcriptions into an A.I. Text Based Editing program.
Originally it was aimed at podcasters but they soon realized the same process could be applied to videos.
Since then they have been developing the program in leaps and bounds.
Since those early days they have incorporated a whole range of features and of course have adopted more A.I. capabilities at every opportunity.
This week they released a new module called “Find Good Clips.”
What it does is scan the transcription of your video and uses A.I. to select out the good bits that can be used for social media or other purposes. Pretty cool really!
PowerDirector – How to Control the Scope of Title Animation
When you start to dig into some of the deeper recesses of the Powerdirector Titling Module things can get crazy pretty fast. But not in a bad way!
For quite a while now PowerDirector has had one of the most powerful titling features on the market outside of dedicated titling software.
I am not really sure why they ever went to town on this particular feature but they did so you get the benefit.
Because it can do so much there are a lot of controls and settings to work out so here’s an intro to some of them.
Please Stop Editing Videos Like this in 2023
Over the years certain editing techniques and tricks will comes and go.
Sometimes they are good ideas and stick… and other times not so much!
For example with the proliferation of YouTube as a viewing platform jump cuts went from being considered an editing error to becoming the norm.
A lot of that has to do with the purpose of the video and the viewing circumstances of the audience.
Generally speaking though, editing trends tend to remain in favor when they follow the already established rules of shooting and editing.
Newly Optimized Features in Filmora 13
With the release of Filmora 13 there were some new A.I. features added that were presented “front and center” of the release marketing.
Most of those features are pretty cool in themselves but there were a few “behind the scenes” ones that I liked as well.
One of those was Frame Interpolation.
What that means is that when you are slowing down the speed of a clip the program creates extra frames that are made up using the information from the adjacent frames.
Previously all any software did was repeat all the frames two or more times to get the slow motion effect.
The result of that was always poor reproduction of motion within the footage and that’s why you have to shoot at high frame rates to achieve good quality slow motion… until now!
Frame interpolation is where the software calculates what would have been the change between two frames had the motion actually been as slow as you have required.
It then creates new frames instead of repeating existing ones.
The result is very smooth motion in video that has been slowed down but was not shot at a high frame rate to allow for that. Very Cool.
EASY Trick to Find Amazing Effects, Transitions and Titles in Filmora
One of the double edged swords of modern video editing software is that after twenty years or so of a features “arms race” we now just have so much stuff!
We don’t just have transitions… we have hundreds of them!
Effects are the same, they just go on and on.
So this is all very well because we know whatever effect we want to create we can probably do it.
The downside is that it means endless scrolling through all the stuff to get to the stuff we want!
Well in Filmora there is a cool little feature most people don’t know about.
Check out the video below!
YouTube Podcasts: Everything You Need To Know – YouTube
Over the past few years there has been a sort of crossover effect when it comes to videos and podcasts.
You will notice that one of the biggest podcasts on the planet is the Joe Rogan Experience.
At the same time all of those podcasts are videoed and edited together as complete videos for consumption.
Conan O’Brien is another one who started a successful podcast yet at the same time set it up for shooting professionally.
Just because you don’t have a full video and audio production team at your disposal doesn’t mean you can’t do the same.
In the video below you can see how to use YouTube to set up your own podcast.
How I Sound Design a Product Commercial
This is a far more advanced tutorial than the usual ones I would add in the Friday Roundup but I think it is worth watching all the same.
You often see people searching for ways to make their videos look more professional.
The problem with that search is that it is ever so slightly off target in its framing.
The real question most likely should be how can I make my videos “appear” more professional.
The reason I say this is because one of the key, yet unseen aspects to professional video creation, is the audio in the video.
A professional video “appears” to be professional because the audio is created with great attention to detail.
Sure there are visual elements that go into the mix but the great unseen element is audio.
To give you a better idea of this concept check out the video below.
Unleash Your Creativity: Holiday VFX with DaVinci Resolve’s Fusion Page
It’s been a while since Daniel has posted a DaVinci tutorial.
This week he has decided to take us all into the Fusion page which could go very well or very badly!
I have often mentioned that the Fusion Page is both the most powerful and most complicated part of DaVinci.
The main reasons for that it that it is a fully professional feature that was designed for the pro’s to use.
Basically if you ask a pro if they find Fusion to be difficult they will be confused by the question!
It makes perfect sense to them.
Anyway in the video Daniel runs through some effects you can pull off in Fusion without it all ending in tears.
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